I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 542 Yufei Paste Returns the Hero to Normal! Isn't this a joke?

Chapter 542 Yufei Paste Returns the Hero to Normal! Isn't this a joke?

Liu Zhendong thought about it, but also endured the pain.

Because of the severe burns, his facial musculature was damaged, and he couldn't even show his expression properly. When he felt uncomfortable, his appearance was even uglier and more terrifying.

Therefore, it is already a habit of him to endure the pain.

The rest of his life after that disaster, he faced daily life like this.

To be honest, he really hoped to leave with those comrades at that time, so at least it would not be so painful.

But even so, he really doesn't regret going to save the fire with his comrades, because that is his responsibility and his task.

Even if he ended up like this, he never regretted it for a moment.

The staff didn't dare to waste time, so they hurriedly handled it for Liu Zhendong and let him go through the security check.

Liu Zhendong almost escaped through the security check.

Seeing this, the tourists also spoke again:

"Really, finally left."

"Fortunately, the child was not frightened by him."

"What a waste of time."


When the staff heard what these people said, they subconsciously gave them a look, and then sighed silently.

Social development and moral decline are sometimes not just talk.

Even he himself subconsciously felt uncomfortable when he saw the appearance of this firefighting hero just now.

Liu Zhendong quickly got on the train.

In the car, he lowered the hat on his head and sat motionless in the corner. When he got to the place, he got out of the car and visited the cemetery of his comrades-in-arms.

Today was not an easy day for him, it took him a long time, and a lot of scorn, to get back to his own home and then hide in the rented apartment.

Yes, he didn't even go back to live in his own home.

Because, he also didn't want his parents to watch him all the time, and his parents' concern and unbearable eyes would make him collapse.

Just when Liu Zhendong hid in the room and collapsed, the doorbell kept ringing, forcing him to get up and open the door.

There are several people outside the door.

He also knew one of them, Lu Hong, the deputy chief of their fire station.

"Liu Zhendong, you finally opened the door." Seeing Liu Zhendong, Lu Hong immediately introduced the people around him and said, "Liu Zhendong, these are comrades from Hua*yuan. They have brought you good news."

"Hua*yuan? Good news?" Liu Zhendong was full of doubts.

A person from the Hua* Hospital immediately explained: "Comrade Liu Zhendong, our Hua* Hospital has a new ointment that has a chance to heal your burns. Although we can't make any promises to you now, the situation will definitely be worse than you are now. good."

These words stimulated Liu Zhendong, causing an incredulous look in his eyes.

He looked at Lu Hong expectantly, he was looking for the truth, wanting to know if it was true or not.

He knew about the Hua* Institute, which is the highest scientific research institution in China.

This institution is almost the top of domestic science. They said that there is a way to know his burns. How can he not be excited, his heart is already surging.

Indeed, during this period of injury, he sometimes even thought about dying.

Moreover, he didn't apply for a new mission once or twice, thinking about going to the most dangerous kind of mission, if he was lucky enough to go with those battles, it might be a kind of happiness.

It's just that the bureau has always disagreed with this request, and he will no longer be allowed to participate in the operation.

Lu Hong immediately said excitedly: "Liu Zhendong, it's true. The documents from the Hua* Institute have been sent to the bureau. This is great news for you. You must cooperate with them."

He was just as happy.

Liu Zhendong's matter is the heart knot of everyone in the bureau. How can it be possible? The bureau is really willing to pay for a thorough treatment of him.

But now there is really no medical technology that can help him.

Even if it is a so-called skin graft, the inner tissue must not be damaged before the new skin can grow and recover.

But Liu Zhendong really had no choice, not only the burn area was large, but also the tissue damage was serious.

"Okay...okay, I...will cooperate." After Liu Zhendong confirmed the news, his voice trembled a little.

He wasn't sure if he could be cured, but there was hope.

For him now, any glimmer of hope can drag him out of the darkness.

He really wanted to climb out of this dark abyss.


Liu Dongzhen went to the fire station with those people from Hua* Hospital, filled out some documents and filed them in the bureau, and then went to the capital with those people.

When he arrived in Beijing, Liu Zhendong was sent to a hospital.

This hospital has been isolated into an independent area, and it is obvious that the confidentiality of clinical treatment is very high.

In this area, he saw some people who were burned like him, but the degree of burns was not as severe as his. Moreover, there were many people who suffered various serious injuries.

They were all given special medical records, and they were all told what ointments were to be applied to them.

Yufei ointment.

They heard the name of the ointment for the first time, and were deeply shocked by the effect of the ointment said by the staff.

Therefore, when the staff asked them to arrange a video before starting the treatment, all of them cooperated with anticipation.

On the Internet, under the help of A Daoxi's arrangements, the news that HKR Pharmacy will live broadcast the treatment finally made it to the top 3 of the hot search list.

Adosi knew this.

In this oriental country, this means that most people already know about the matter, and the heat is enough.

The next step is to let everyone see the effect of HKR.

He has asked to find several beautiful Chinese with burnt facial tissue damage and several severely injured tissue damage.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for these people to express on the face, and it is difficult to restore the function of the damaged tissue, causing inconvenience, and even the tissue function can no longer be used, requiring amputation or the like, otherwise the blood and flesh will die, and the problem will be more serious .

After using their HKR potion, at least they can recover a lot, they can do some facial expressions, and they can restore some tissue functions, so that they don't need to be amputated.

This is a huge leap.

If they continue to study the HKR drug, maybe in another 20 years, they will really be able to restore tissue function to people with severed limbs just like in the movie.

If it cannot be restored to its original state, at least it can be used. By that time, it will really be the greatest product. In that case, people in this country want to restrict sales.

Now exchange, give the other party a chance to continue to study, but the other party refuses, and let him use this method, it is really abominable.

After people in this country know the power of HKR medicine and let them take advantage of the momentum, if the other party wants to talk again, he must make it difficult for the other party.

Just as Adosi was thinking, the blond woman hurried in again: "Mr. Adosi, look at the news, this country is actually going to conduct a live broadcast of clinical treatment, it seems to be aimed at us."

"Impossible, why does the other party have? They don't even have such research technology" Adosi said almost subconsciously.

"Mr. Adosi, you should watch the video first." The blond woman hurriedly handed the video to Adosi.

After watching the content on the video news, Adosi showed a look of consternation on his face: "What the hell? Yufei ointment? A traditional Chinese medicine ointment from more than 1,000 years ago? Who doesn't know that their Chinese medicine practitioners are all liars?"

The blond woman said: "Mr. Adossi, but this is true. The popularity of this news has already caught up with our hype."

Adosi is no idiot.

Turning his head around, he probably knew what was going on.

The other party's sudden refusal to talk to them should have something to do with this jade concubine ointment.

There are no more than two reasons. First, the other party wants to use this method to tell them that they don’t care about HKR’s meaning. In fact, they care about it in their hearts and want to lower their bargaining chips and obtain better negotiation conditions.

Secondly, the other party is really confident that this thing is better than their HKR potion. Naturally, isn't this a ridiculous thing?

Chinese medicine formulas more than 1,000 years ago, the world-recognized electronic fraud industry, the products produced by this industry more than 1,000 years ago may be better than their current scientific products?

This is impossible.

Therefore, no matter what, the other party should not try to succeed.

A Daoxi finally snorted coldly: "Look at what tricks the other party can play. In their words, they will lift a rock to shoot themselves in the foot."

On the Internet, after the Hua* Institute found the test subjects for Yufei ointment, they announced it as soon as possible.

After the higher-ups knew what A Daoxi was thinking, they naturally wanted to use this straightforward fact to make the other party go back to the beautiful country with their things, and don't use such self-righteous methods.

We really didn't give a damn about HKR Potion.


As soon as the news of this announcement came out, it was not surprising that the popularity was high.

At the beginning, everyone paid attention to the content of the interview in the announcement, and the subjects of the interview were those who were burned or seriously injured.

Especially the firefighter named Liu Zhendong, who received the most attention.

There is a period of influence at a train station.

The letter also notes that Liu Zhendong went to visit his comrades who had died by car, but he was seriously burned and facial recognition failed.

In the video, the harsh words around are also released in the video. This is the video provided by the train station.

At this moment, the netizens who saw the announcement video didn't know how much silence they had.

This is a hero.

But the hero doesn't seem to get the treatment he deserves.

This kind of insult and abuse is not something a hero should bear.

"It is recommended to open a green channel for these meritorious people and give them priority, so as not to let them have such a heart-pricking experience."

"The tears came down in an instant, and my heart hurts. I really want to give those people a mouthful."

"Don't look at those Internet celebrities anymore, these are the people we should look at."

"Suddenly it seems like I gave him a hug. Whose son is he, and who grew up with a baby in his hand?"


Netizens were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to express their dissatisfaction through this method.

But it seems that everyone knows that this is not helpful to the hero.

What I can look forward to now is to hope that there is some technology that can restore this hero so that he doesn't have to suffer this kind of treatment again.

When everyone was thinking this way, the next news in the announcement news caught everyone's eyes and showed shock.

The word Yufeipao, the story of Yufeipao and Concubine Yang let everyone know at once.

And Yufei ointment can heal the hero Liu Zhendong.

This topic alone is high.

In addition, this traditional Chinese medicine ointment from more than 1,000 years ago obviously intends to compete with the pretty country HKR medicine, and it is difficult not to pay attention.

That's right, anyone can see that this is about to fight in the ring.

Hua* Hospital is to use traditional Chinese medicine products more than 1,000 years ago to compare with the most advanced and world-leading optional products in the beautiful country.

This seems to have a very special meaning to the people of the whole country. Although Chinese medicine has always been discussed and questioned, it is indeed the quintessence of Chinese medicine.

Even if it is not good for Chinese medicine, at this time, the people of the country hope that Chinese medicine and Yufei ointment can win.

This is a very strange psychology:

Our country, our country's things may be bad, maybe not good, I can say, we can question it, but after facing outsiders, we still hope that our country and our country's things can win.

There is no particular reason, the mind just thinks this way.

Moreover, they believe in the higher-ups, and the higher-ups show this thing, that is self-confidence.

Soon, the entire Internet was paying attention to this matter.

Not only domestic, but also foreign media and Western countries have begun to pay attention to this matter. After all, this is a competition that hasn't happened in a long time.

However, in the eyes of the media in Western countries, this is obviously incredible.

Even, many media have used: deceit more than 1,000 years ago VS the most advanced science now?

That big question mark at the end says it all.

In the eyes of people in Western countries, Chinese medicine is a liar, and Chinese medicine has no scientific basis. This is the conclusion of many well-known laboratory experiments.

Now, people from that eastern country actually want to use this kind of industry to compare with the HKR medicine from the beautiful country?

You must know that there has been news about the Nobel Prize of HKR Pharmaceuticals. The latest technology of HKR Pharmaceuticals has been shortlisted for medical awards and has won great awards.

So, do you want to use something that has no scientific basis to compete with HKR medicine? This is simply an insult to scientific research and an insult to everyone's IQ.

People from all over the world who saw the news were also full of endless ridicule:

"Haha, I know people in that country. They have always been arrogant, thinking that they are already the most advanced country in the world."

"They may have made some achievements, but just to tell a joke, the number of scientific research Nobel Prizes won by their country can't be counted in the palm of one hand."

"This should be the biggest joke in the medical research community."


Clearly, prejudice is not something that develops overnight but is deeply ingrained.

In the eyes of people in these countries, Yufei Gao has no chance of winning.

Amid such concern, Adosi asked HKR Pharmacy to start a live treatment experiment.

However, Hua* Hospital also announced the start of live broadcast of the clinical treatment of Yufei Ointment.

This is self-evident.

Severe burns are severe to burns, and severe tissue damage is severe to severe tissue damage.

And no one knows, this time, they will be shocked by the bigger one.

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